Changing your IT provider, through choice or not, is not a decision to be taken lightly and we understand there can be many things to consider as well as many factors that have stopped you from switching in the past. Things might simply be changing in your business and you need fresh eyes on the tech side of things. Either way, chances are you may not know where to start.

Fixes don’t stick around for long, waiting times get longer and eventually you feel like another number on another support ticket.
Often the perception is that switching IT is a hassle, will cause downtime, and is expensive. Especially if you have been with the same provider for a number of years.
Priority IT has been providing IT support to businesses in Wiltshire for 10 years now and to us no is just a number on a support ticket. We make switching IT providers easy and we guarantee satisfaction from our service. Just take a look at what our clients have to say.
10 reasons to make the switch to Priority IT
Our prices are relevant to your business size, which makes us affordable
We don’t charge above the odds from day one. We grow as you grow, so whether you have one computer or 10 we can guarantee affordability with peace of mind. No more having to rely on google for answers, on your mate down the pub.
We care about your business and how it operates, which means we’ll go over and above every time.
IT is pivotal to how your business runs, whatever you do, and whatever your industry is. We care about that and want to see you have minimal downtime. So we fix a problem quickly, and we fix it for life.
We provide expertise in Windows and Apple
We might be Microsoft accredited but whether your team Gates or team Jobs, we have the expertise on hand to keep your machines up and running
We develop our team so they’re on top of their game.
We have experts in database management, wireless solutions, cloud systems, and servers, and everything in between. We’re always developing our skillset so you don’t have to worry about your IT solutions (or our advice) becoming outdated.
It’s easier than you think
Switching IT provider doesn’t mean complicated conversations and weeks of planning followed by unnecessary downtime for you and your team. We’ll make it work on our time, so your time isn’t lost.
You’ll know us and we’ll know you
We make a point of visiting our customers and getting to know them. Nothing but friendly faces and friendly voices here.
We go the extra mile
We know that not everything is 9 – 5 Monday to Friday, that’s why we offer an out of hours service and we’ll get the job done when it’s necessary. We care about our community too. Don’t just take our word for it though, read about the ways we’ve gone above and beyond this year alone.
We love IT. Yep, really. Which means you really don’t have to.
We like to call ourselves the superheroes of IT, you might call us geeks. That’s ok though! We love IT and that’s what keeps us doing what we do week in week out and doing it well
You get what you need, not what we want to sell you
Unlike many companies, you won’t get a call to upsell something you don’t really need. Our solutions fit with your business need, we listen, we advise and we deliver
We don’t talk tech
IT can be dull to many at the best of times and we want you to understand why we do what we do. We’re committed to jargon-free conversations with all of our clients.
At Priority IT, our motto is being big enough to cope, but small enough to care. If you’re considering a new IT support provider in Wilshire then we’d welcome a no-obligation conversation to see if we can help. Get in touch by calling us on 01225 636000 or by emailing: