So far, we’ve refurbished more than 70 laptops for school children and young people in Wiltshire to help with their home schooling during the pandemic.

We started the initiative at the beginning of May and have given laptops and tablets to schools, children’s services and families, to help combat the digital divide and support students to continue learning at home.
Our staff who are currently furloughed, have been volunteering their time to securely wipe data, refurbish and replenish the machines.
The response from the local community, and further afield, has been amazing. A kind person in Lechlade on Thames heard about our idea and really wanted to donate his laptop. He was happy to meet us halfway and after arranging a drop off spot in Wootton Bassett, and a 65-mile round trip, we now have another laptop ready to go to its new home. We also have another laptop being couriered in from Taunton!
Myself, Tim and Peter have been in the office working on the donated laptops and tablets so we can fulfill the demand. Unfortunately, we have now run out of machines to fix and we still have outstanding requests. We are putting out the plea again to individuals and businesses to have another look for old laptops to see if we can help even more families.
So far requests from Dilton Marsh C of E Primary School, Melksham Oak Community School, Holbrook Primary School, John of Gaunt Secondary School, Staverton Church of England Primary School, Kingsbury Green Academy, Calne, Wiltshire Council Children’s Services and Social Services, The Wiltshire Parent Carer Council and individual emails, have been filled.
We are still asking for donations, these can be either dropped off at our office on Hawke Ridge Business Park in Westbury, or a member of our team can collect them if you are unable to get to the office.
If you have any machines, desktop or laptop, that you aren’t currently using please consider donating it for this cause. All we ask is that the screen isn’t broken and the keyboard works and we will do the rest. Any machine that isn’t salvageable will be securely wiped and recycled.
To donate an un-loved laptop please email or call 01225 636000.